The best tourist attractions in papua you must visit

Perhaps if you hear the word Papua that comes to mind Hulaa Hoppers is the inland tribes and the beauty of the famous Raja Ampat to the international scene. It turns out Papua has a lot of beauty that Hula Hoppers might not have known yet. These wonders come from nature to man-made.
The island is located in the eastern tip of Indonesia has a variety of interesting destinations to visit. Hulaa Hoppers can wade Lake Sentani with a group of beautiful islands or visit to chatting with tribes that still preserve the culture in Papua. Lots of local wisdom still guarded by tribes in Papua, such as wearing koteka, carrying out traditional ceremonies. The more curious about the beauty of Papua, let's see the six uniqueness of Papua that Hulaa has summarized:1. Snow in tropical country

Puncak Jaya Wijaya 
Puncak Jaya WijayaPuncak Jaya Wijaya (Image:
Who says Indonesia does not have snow? There's Hulaa Hoppers. Come to Mount Cartenz, the highest mountain in Papua. The height of this mountain reaches 4.884 mdpl, in addition to the high peak of this mountain, it turns Mount Cartenz became one of the seven continental peaks or known as Seven Submmit Continental. Mount Cartenz is a series of the Jaya Wijaya Mountains in the Lorentz National Park whose peak is eternal snow, never melting Hulaa Hoppers.

If Hulaa Hoppers is challenged to conquer the peak of Mount Cartenz, prepare a prime physical. Because the temperature at the peak average is zero degrees Celsius, and can make Hulaa Hoppers shortness of breath. Climbing that could take 11 days also demanded Hulaa Hoppers have the ability ropes because Hulaa Hoppers had to cross the 100 meters high ravine by hanging and creeping with a rope in the air to stand in the place of eternal snow in Indonesia.
Hulaa Hoppers can also hire a porter that costs Rp 500,000 to one million rupiah. Perhaps Hulaa Hoppers imagines the heavy terrain that must be passed to reach the top, but if Hulaa Hoppers succeeds Hulaa Hoppers will see an amazing sight.2. White Sands on the hill

Bukit Sumpula 
Bukit SumpulaBukit Sumpula (Image:
White sand is not always on the beach. Wamena a district in Jaya Wijaya district has a stretch of white sand on the hill. Hill called Hill Sumpula has a white sand.
To reach this hill the route is quite easy Hulaa Hoppers. Hulaa Hoppers just depart from the city of Wamena and only travel about 45 minutes to get to this hill. There are six spots on this hill that have a fine white sand.
To enter this hill hula hoppers only provide voluntary fees. The high hill is a bit tiring to climb, but upon reaching the hill, Hulaa Hoppers will see the contrasting scenery between green grass, gray stone and white sand. Sumpula Hill is a favorite hill to play with white sand, because in Wamena does not have a beach, so this hill becomes an alternative for residents to feel the white sand.

3. Mummy in Indonesia
Mumi di Papua 
Mummies in Papua
Mummies not only exist in Egypt Hulaa Hoppers, in Wamena there is also a mummy. The concept of mummies in Papua and Egypt is still the same as Hulaa Hopper is a preserved corpse. However, this mummy from Papua has some differences, such as mummies from Papua is not wrapped by bandages like mummies in Egypt, this Papuan mummies do not lie down but with a sitting position while holding the knee and head mengdongak up.
The mummy from Papua is about 6 in Wamena. The famous village with its mummy is Kampung Sompaima Kurulu District, the process of making is also unique Hulaa Hoppers. These mummies are dried and dried in the cave. Which can be preserved into a mummy this is not haphazard Hulaa Hoppers people. The mummies are tribal chiefs or warlords.
The tribal chiefs and warlords warned to be mummified in order to provide welfare for the tribe and the community. To watch this 300 year old mummy Hulaa Hoppers enough to pay Rp 100,000 to Rp 150,000 per entourage. In addition to seeing a mummy, Hulaa Hoppers can also buy souvenirs like a pig necklace to noken.4. The mysterious painting in Kontilola Cave

Gua Kontilola 
Cave KontilolaGua Kontilola (Image:
Hulaa Hoppers Wamena is endless. Kontilola Cave is located only one hour from Wamena Airport. If Hulaa Hoppers enters this cave Hulaa Hoppers has to climb the natural stairs and explore the forest for about 10 minutes. Arriving at the mouth of the cave there is a large hall with humid air and the smell of bat droppings.
Kontilola Cave is a horizontal cave, so Hulaa Hoppers must prepare complete equipment such as flashlights, boots, helmets, and other safeguards. This mysterious painting is on the cave wall. This painting is called mysterious because it does not tell the Papuan people, but describes the human with a strange shape.
These paintings depict man with a round head and four fingers. Local people believe this painting is an ancestral heritage. So do not miss the ancient paintings that exist in this cave.

5. The blue lake is green
Telaga Biru 
Telaga BiruTelaga Biru (Image:
Telaga Biru is located in Maima District, Wamena. The lake is hidden behind a steep hill is surrounded by green cliffs that borders the surrounding landscape.
Telaga Biru is believed to be a lake where humans first appeared on Earth Hulaa Hoppers. So do not be surprised if the people around consider this lake sacral. Uniquely blue lake is green toska.
Until now not known where this green color. Hulaa Hoppers can only enjoy the view of this lake, because swimming in the lake is forbidden. It is said that once there was a tourist swimming and found Honai (traditional house of Dani tribe) in this lake.

6. Lake Habema

Danau Habema 
Lake HabemaDanau Habema (Image:
In addition, Papua has the highest lake Hulaa Hoppers. Lake Habema is his name. The lake is in the middle of a beautiful valley in the mountains Trikora. This lake is located at an altitude of 3321 meters above sea level. Beautiful scenery in this lake, making Lake Habema a resting place for climbers who want to conquer the top of Trikora. Cantinya again, this lake is surrounded by natural vegetation orchid lho Hulaa Hoppers.
How Hulaa Hoppers Beautiful is Papua. Let's plan Hulaa Hoppers vacations on the easternmost island of Indonesia.