Recommendations of the best tourist attractions in the city of Bogor

Bogor is one of the most beautiful cities in Indonesia which is visited by many foreign tourists and locals especially during long holidays, well we will give the best tourist attractions recommendation in Bogor that you must visit when visiting this rain city.
1. Bogor Botanical GardenBogor Botanical Garden

Kebun Raya Bogor 
Bogor Botanical GardenVisiting Bogor Botanical Garden which is an icon of Bogor city can be used as an exciting and thrifty holiday alternative. Well, not just sitting around or just walking around, here you can also invite your child to learn and observe plants. This is possible because up to now there are more than 15 thousand species of trees and plants that live in Bogor Botanical Garden.Known as the oldest botanical garden in Asia, Bogor Botanical Garden has been developed since the colonial era. However, if at first this garden contains only various types of plants, now there are also other attractions that are not less beautiful. In the back area of ​​the garden, for example. There is a beautiful lake, Bogor Palace, red suspension bridge, to Zoological Museum which is adjacent to the Bogor Botanical Garden. Oh yes, if there is more time, do not forget the culinary dishes, yes!2. Kampung Budaya Sindang BarangKampung Budaya Sindang Barang

Kampung Budaya Sindang BarangKampung Budaya Sindang BarangOnce mentioned in Babad Padjajaran and Bogor typical pantun, Sindang Barang become one of the alternative cultural and historical tourism that you should visit. That said, this location even been established since the 12th century!Based on its history, Sindang Barang is the location of residence (palace) one of the wives of King Siliwangi. There, you will find many original house buildings, staging performances featuring original Sundanese art, traditional dance, to illustrate how the condition of the Sunda kasepuhan in the past.3. Mekarsari Tourist ParkMekarsari Tourist Park

Taman Wisata MekarsariMekarsari Tourist ParkIf the Bogor Botanical Garden is the largest botanical garden in Indonesia, Mekarsari Park is the largest fruit garden in Indonesia. At least, there are about 1,470 varieties of fruit crops and 100 thousand trees on an area of ​​264 hectares of this.Enjoy the thrill of picking and tasting fruit directly from the tree in Mekarsari Tourist Park. Understand it, tourist attractions in Bogor this one is carrying the concept of recreation, education, reforestation, and conservation. In addition to tasting the fruit directly from the tree, you can get around by train to watch the collection of fruit plants, try outbound rides, or enjoy the fun pack family camp, banana boat game, water goose, to floating donut!
4. Museum of Defenders of the Homeland (PETA) 
  Museum Pembela Tanah Air

Museum Pembela Tanah Air

Not only has unparalleled natural beauty, Bogor has also been involved in the historical record of Indonesia's independence struggle. One of them is the formation of the Defense Army of Defenders of the Homeland, or what we know as PETA.

Although it was founded with the intention of helping the Japanese defeat the Allies, it was at PETA that the embryo of the Indonesian army began to take shape. Well, the entire struggle is ultimately enshrined through the establishment of the Museum of Defenders of the Homeland.

At the tourist attractions in Bogor this one, you will be presented many stories of struggle PETA, there are even artifacts heritage relics. This place is very useful to nurture the nationalism of Indonesian society, especially the young generation.
5. Situ Gede

Situ Gede 
Situ Gede

Want a relaxing holiday type, but still exciting and thrifty? Let's go to Situ Gede soon!

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